Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Application Letter

Batam, Appril 12st 2010
Perum Citra Pendawa Asri Blok H6/02
Batu Aji
BATAM - 29422

To : Leadership
PT. Dry Docks World
Nanindah..Attn IT Departement

Dear Sir,

Based on the information on to say by one of my friends in the company that Mr / Ms is hiring, then I hereby submit a job application letter for that position.

I graduated from Vocational High School and currently I am still the status BATAM UNIVERSITY Students majoring in Information Systems, but I believe with the skills I have that could work in the company that Led by Mr / Ms right now.

As consideration for Mr. / Mrs about me, I have attached the MY BIOGRAPHY, I also have the motivation and high responsibility and not easily discouraged.

Thus an application of this work I make, for the opportunity given me say thank you.




Nick Name : Nurdin
Sex : Male
Religion : Christian Protestant
Place & Date of Birth : Simirihi, Desember 05, 1982
Marital Status : Single
Home Address : Perumahan Citra Pendawa Asri
Blok H6/02 Batu Aji Batam
Hand Phone : +6281372001072
Email :
Nationality : Indonesian



1992 – 1998 Elementary School State, Simanosor Village, District Sibabangun, Middle Tapanuli, North Sumatra Province Sibolga-Medan, (Certified)

1998 – 2001 Junior High School 5 Moss Sibabangun State, District Sibabangun, Middle Tapanuli, North Sumatra-Medan-Sibolga, (Certified)

2001 – 2004 Vocational Secondary School Teruna Padangsidimpuan, South Tapanuli, Sumatra Province Utaran Padangsidimpuan-Medan-City, (Certified)

2009 – XXXX University of Batam (UNIBA) Batam, Riau Islands of Indonesia, until now still in the status of students.


12 Okt-13 Nov 2001 Microsoft Office Computer Courses in Universities "PRIBUMI ABDI" City of the South Tapanuli Padangsidimpuan which was held by Drs. H. Insan Sinaga with Main Number 992. During the learning I achieved good enough grades awarded with "A" and gain certificates.

13 Jan-15 Jan 2003 English Courses in Universities "UNIFA ENGLISH COURSE" City of the South Tapanuli Padangsidimpuan by Hasbin Sitompul AM.d as Head master with the Parent Number 20,020,633. During my studies and get a certificate good enough.

04 Jun-23 Jun 2003 Vocational Skills Training Course through Exercise INSTITUTIONAL Metal Lathe for 150 hours. And during my training exercises really well until in the end get a certificate with the results of 80 (good) given by the Regent South Tapanuli Drs. Saleh H.M Harahap. There are some skills that I did at that time include :
1. Mean Machine
2. Screw Machine
3. Tapering lathe
4. Las carbide
5. Welded pipe
6. Las plate size of 3 ml etc.

07 Jul-11 Oct 2003 Have passed on when he joined the Job Training (Prakerin) Link and Match program and get a certificate with a grade "B" (good), led by H. Rahmad Siregar Amen as Chairman of the program. At that time there were some practices that I do well until they functioned like :
1. Weld Iron Fence
2. Weld Taratak
3. Perform grinding
4. Conducting Drilling
5. Use of measuring tools

01 Mar-14 Jun 2004 Have passed the competency exam followed by a number of participants 377 with grade "B" (good), headed by Ir. Hadengganan Ritonga, over the success that I got the Chairman of the Leadership Competency Testing Certificate to give me. And at the time of Competence, Test nipples regulator is given as:
1. Average lathe
2. Multilevel lathe
3. Lathe groove
4. Tapering lathe
5. Threading lathe
6. Cartel using
7. Drilled on the lathe

18 Jan-20 Jan 2005 Have graduated in Training and Practice Page. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) UNIT-I BATAM MARKETING TERMINAL, held at locations in the Fire Ground Fire Department (Tanjung Uban) by Drs. Bambang Wurcipto (Course Responsible) and has been obtaining certificates granted by the Manager. Pertamina (Persero) Ir. Nono Asmanu, MM. There are some lessons and practice are given as:
1. Product Knowledge (Pengetahuan Produk)
2. Customer Service (Pelayanan Pelanggan)
3. Fuel Handling Supplies (Penanganan Persediaan BBM)
4. Petrol Demolition Procedures (Tata cara Pembongkaran BBM)
5. Fuel Quality Control (Pengendalian Mutu BBM)
6. Health, Safety & Environment at the gas station area. (Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja & Lindungan Lingkungan (K3LL) di area SPBU)
7. Financial Gas Station (Keuangan SPBU)
8. Security at Area Gas Station (Keamanan di Area SPBU)
9. Maintenance Equipment & Household Management Gas Station (Pemeliharaan Peralatan & Pengelolaan Rumah Tangga (House Keeping) SPBU)
10. Extinction Fires in Fire Ground (Pemadaman Kebakaran di Fire Ground)
11. Business Insight (Wawasan Bisnis)


2003 – 2004 Teaching Basic Computer Ms. Office in the Office of Journalists of the Republic of Indonesia is (KOWRI) Padangsidimpuan City. With the trust given by the leaders KOWRI to me at that time, he at once opened Less Privat Computer and handed it to me as well as the supervising teacher. => Teaching junior high students, high school level with a good start from a basic introduction to computers running Microsoft's way of understanding such as Ms Office. Word, Ms. Exel, Ms. Power Point.

2005 – 2006 PT. Patra Yekapepe Sambu Island that are in place at the SPBU COCO PERTAMINA Sei Ladi Batam with position : Operator. While working at PT. Pertamina, I very much get the experience in my everyday work such as:
1. Measure quantities of fuel (Tera)
2. Value Petrol Menceking Octan
3. Nozzel pump repair
4. Knowing the use of Totalisator (number running pump)
5. Customer Service (3S) smiles, and greeting

Employment breakdown of reasons for the expiration of the contract, and Miqdaad get Work Experience Letter.

2006 – Now PT. Astaka Giri Arta Batamindo BIP Home Yellow Batam Position : Staff Information Systems Management. PT. Astaka Giri Arta engaged in the Supermarket, and my daily job is to :
1. Check the system error in the register the cashier and fix if any.
2. Backup data
3. Create Sales Reports
4. Input data
5. Transfer data
6. Computer network installations
7. Install the windows system
8. Purposes of providing information and other applications to the Board staff if necessary

1. Welding and similar capabilities, such as ;
a. Las carbide
b. Welded pipe
c. Las plates, and
d. Use other tools such as welding electrodes,
e. Use of Grinding

2. Capabilities such as a lathe ;
a. Mean Machine
b. Screw Machine
c. Tyre Machine, etc.

3. Computer capabilities such as ;
I. Use Program :
a. Ms. Office (Ms. Word, Ms.. Exel, Ms. Power Point)
b. Photoshop
c. CorellDraw (graphic design)
d. ACDSee and the like
e. Foxpro25
f. Under Dos
g. Internet
h. Barcode (Barcode Scan)
i. And use other software

2. The ability of the Operating System and Networking
a. Install Windows
b. Install other programs such as Ms. Office, etc.
c. Format Hardisk
d. Scandisk
e. Anti Virus
f. Computer Network Cabling (Network Cable, Connectors,Tang Crimping)
g. Etc.

4. Language Ability
1. Indonesian Language
Indonesia is the mastery of language has reached 98%, both in speaking the language of politeness in the delivery, etc.
2. English Language
Mastery of English (Language International) is still in the passive voice, and yet I still learn every day, Vocabulary, Conversation, Listening, Translation, etc..


1. Volly Ball
I really like the Volly Ball and indeed since I was in Junior High School, Vooly Ball is my main hobby.
2. Read
I also love reading books especially books computer science, and like the Newspapers and also love reading the sports news.
3. See Things
In my opinion See Things is a thing that can add insight and broaden economic science that I can develop, and can also reduce the burden of thinking for a moment let alone with my friends join a walk with me.

4. Swimming
Swimming is my passion even though in hundreds of feet into, and indeed I often do because the swim was my first live near the coast. And until recently swim still my favorite

5. Disign
Design is one of my daily job, I often do this when making banners or associated with printing, and also in the company often in the creation of brochures, employee ID cards, invoices, etc..

I think such a list of CVs me 'thanks.

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